That Oxford Fashion Week has become a massively important feature in the city’s calendar is irrefutable, but it’s knock-on effects are less well known.
For Rosie Dennington, showcasing her designs on the first OFW catwalk in 2009 was a huge turning point, installing in her 17-year-old self an unshakeable faith that she could and would have a career in fashion.
So when her cream ball gown was featured in Vanity Fair’s September 2014 issue, worn by Helena Bonham Carter and shot by Mario Testino, it was confirmed as a wise decision.
“I was credited between Louis Vuitton and Burberry and thought I’d like to see more of that,” the 23-year-old from Eynsham laughs.
“But of all the people to wear my clothes, Helena Bonham Carter has always been my style icon and was top of my list. Her attitude to fashion is that if it makes you feel good you should wear it and you should never be answerable to everyone else.
“I feel exactly the same. I have always been a bit of an oddball.”
Rosie’s future changed when she was accepted to showcase three designs at the first Oxford Fashion Week.
“OFW gave me an unshakeable belief that this is what I should be doing, because I don’t want to be a flash-in-the-pan; I’m in it for the long haul.”
Helena Bonham Carter has become a wonderful mentor, says Rosie.
“They say you should never meet your idols, but Helena Bonham Carter is very funny, kind and supportive and I have taken her advice on board.
“I wouldn’t be happy designing T-shirt shapes all day for someone else, or stitching up another designer’s dresses, so I’ve been working with the Prince’s Trust for the past year and hope to have my own business soon.”
In the meantime, Rosie is in the midst of London Fashion Week, showing her new collection, and her future looks enormously promising.
Six months ago, it was a different story. Despite graduating top of her class with a first, she had to shelve her dreams and take a job in a charity shop in Botley Road. But she was still creating her designs by night.
Rosie had dropped out of sixth form at Bartholomew Schhol, Eynsham, despite being an A* pupil, to do a BTEC National Diploma in fashion and clothing at City of Oxford College. She took her work to Oxford Fashion Week before studying costume design and corsetry at Birmingham University.
“My work is all about fantasy, fairytale and escapism. But yes, in terms of what I want, the sky’s the limit. I’d love to see my clothes in Harrods and on the red carpet.”
Rosie has a refreshing approach to fashion, refusing to follow trends and always using several plus-size models.
“My ethos is that everybody deserves to feel beautiful, regardless of their age or size, because fashion can be such an awful industry. If I can make a difference to that and make it more diverse, I’ll be happy.
“But, in terms of my future, I will never give up. I would encourage anyone to try out Oxford Fashion Week, because it is a great platform for local models and designers.”Read more at: www.marieaustralia.com/pink-formal-dresses